What If ... If Only...

October 13, 2011

Ayat yang selalu kita guna 
bila teringat pasal masa silam. 

If Only... What If...
And here is my stories...

If only 
I were hardworking enough
Definitely I would've work with 
Malaysia's giant company
such as

 surely I would have been
 like most of my UTP friends.
I would not have to  
travel 30km back and forth 
every day to

in Shah Alam,
Where I started my career as a Sales Engineer. I learned a lot, love the traveling, meetings and experiences.

After 7 years together
Finally, On July 31st 2009
We got married

And soon after, 
I got pregnant!!

Due to severe morning sickness
I've decided to resign, stay at home
and take really good care of
my 1st pregnancy

and 9 months later, 
I gave birth to this wonderful

Our pride and joy
Our baby boy. 

Once dah ade anak
Everything is about him
From pampers to feeding bottles
Towels to rompers
And lots more.

As the sole provider
Hubby never complaint 

on our hard life.
Never tired of trying to change our luck
So that Danial & me
Would live a better life.

Money was always an issue
Month after month
Can never really get enough.
I need to do something
To help him
And I need to start now!
Through a common friend
I found Premium Beautiful business,
I've met Hanis Haizi
Who end up became my teacher,
friend and mentor

Showed me that I could help
To improve my family's financial,
lifestyle and even
Make a great career out of this
Premium Beautiful corset

After 7 months I'm still here and
Doing well with PB business
together with my
Business partners from all over Malaysia

We're determine to expand and
Share this opportunity
With the rest of the people out there.
We are working towards
Our dream lifestyle, dream house,
Dream car, Europe trips,
Everyday shopping frenzy
and many more.

Just imagine 
What if 
I did not dare to
change my life...
We will always
be the same
'old us'


Most of our friends
sedang berusaha keras untuk
mengubah kehidupan kpd yg 
lebih baik


Let me know when you're ready
to pursue your dreams!!

012 - 2844960

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