Danial and his new TOY!

August 31, 2011

The day before Hari Raya..we went to Bazar Wakaf Che Yeh, Kota Bharu for a late night walk..hehe.
Sambil cuci mata..tgk barang2..tgk ore2 Kelate yang masih sempat shopping last minute for raya preparation.

So, dah jalan2.jumpa la this cool TOY for Danial..
Esok pagi..bangun subuh2 tuh..Danial poopoo..and taknak tido dah.
So, bagi la his new TOY..He was so exicted!!~

mase mula2 nak pasang, ketatkan screw..

He's getting ready to play..

He's getting toooo excitedd!! GERAMM GERAMM mode ;P

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